Rumah Pertamaku
Do I need to buy insurance or takaful for my house?
It is compulsory for you to purchase fire insurance or fire takaful. In addition to that, the Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) is also compulsory in order to be approved for this housing loan.
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Maybank Skim RumahPertamaku
Owning a house is no longer beyond your reach! Get your first home without saving up for a downpayment, pay minimal fees, and high borrowing limit.
Estimated Profit Rate
There are always fees but how much are they?
Late Penalty Fee - 1% p.a. of the outstanding amount
Early Settlement Fee - 1% Subject to terms of agreement with bank
Redemption Letter Fee - RM53.00 per request
Letter for EPF Withdrawal Fee - RM10.60 per request
Are you eligible for this Maybank home financing?
Minimum annual income - RM10800
Minimum age - 21 years old
Maximum age - 40 years old
Who can Apply - Malaysians
Frequently Asked Questions about Maybank Skim RumahPertamaku
Things you might want to know
What do I need to know about Maybank Skim RumahPertamaku?
The Skim RumahPertamaku (SRP) or My First Home Scheme was launched by the Malaysian government in 2011 to help young adults to own their very first home. With property prices rising by the day, the government has offered a housing loan package with no downpayment, minimal set-up fees, and low income requirements.
How do I meet the requirements for this Maybank loan?
This Maybank home loan is designed especially for those with an income of less than RM5,000 a month. For joint borrowers, say you want to get a loan with your wife or husband, your total monthly income shouldn't exceed RM10,000, assuming both individual incomes should be no more than RM5,000 per month.
Other than that, the property that you are planning to finance must be your first home and not used for investment purposes such as renting out to other people. To fully own it, you must live in it!
What is the range of financing amount?
With 100% margin of financing, you can borrow up to the whole selling price of your new home, subject to a minimum borrowing amount of RM100,000 up to a maximum of RM400,000. You won't have to save up for a downpayment, just make sure you pay your monthly instalments.
Is there a lock-in period and early settlement fee?
Yes and no. If you're taking up conventional home loan, there's a lock-in period of 3 years. On the other hand, if you take up an Islamic mortgage, you won't be subjected to one . Since there's lock-in period of 3 years for a conventional mortgage, you are not advised to settle the loan early as you will be charged an early settlement fee.
A little tip for Maybank first home buyer – if you think you're able to settle the mortgage loan within 3 years, you can consider to take up Maybank Islamic My First Home Scheme. However, you will have to adhere to Syariah principles.
Do I need to buy insurance or takaful for my house?
It is compulsory for you to purchase fire insurance or fire takaful. In addition to that, the Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance ( MRTA) is also compulsory in order to be approved for this housing loan.
Pemohon bersama merangkumi pasangan, ibubapa, anak atau adik beradik dengan syarat mereka memenuhi kriteria lain
Hello semua! Kalau korang tengah plan nak beli rumah pertama, mesti pernah dengar pasal Skim Rumah Pertamaku, kan? Ini memang salah satu inisiatif terbaik dari kerajaan Malaysia untuk bantu orang macam kita yang nak beli rumah tapi takut tak lepas loan. Jadi, dalam blog post ni, kita akan kupas habis-habis pasal skim ni – dari syarat kelayakan sampai tips untuk maximize peluang korang dapat approval. Siap sedia, bro!
Kelebihan Skim Rumah Pertamaku
Apa yang buat skim ni special? Banyak lah, bro. Ini antara kelebihannya:
Kenapa Skim Rumah Pertamaku Penting?
Zaman sekarang ni, harga rumah memang semakin naik. Susah betul nak cari rumah yang mampu milik. Dengan Skim Rumah Pertamaku, korang dapat peluang untuk beli rumah tanpa perlu sediakan downpayment yang besar. Ini memang satu kelegaan besar, terutamanya untuk kita yang baru start kerja atau belum ada simpanan yang banyak.
Tambahan pula, dengan SRP, korang boleh beli rumah Rumah Selangorku yang memang fokus untuk rakyat yang kerja atau tinggal di Selangor. Projek ni memang banyak benefit dan harganya pun reasonable. Kalau berminat nak tahu lebih lanjut, boleh check out details kat
Group Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (GMRTA)
Get reducing coverage for the Life Assured in the event of death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD). When a claim is filed, the applicable sum assured goes towards the repayment of the outstanding mortgage loan.
Benefits & privileges:
Protection against death and TPD
An additional 20% of the sum assured in the event of accidental death
Early Loan Settlement Benefit
Flexible sum assured and flexible term
24 hours coverage worldwide
Optional Rider: Family Income Benefit (FIB) Rider to get an extra 1% of the initial sum assured for 12 consecutive months after the claim is admitted
Individuals aged 18 - 65 nearest birthday
Detailed Product Information
Product Disclosure Sheet - English Product Disclosure Sheet - BM Bancassurance Service Guide
Q: What is Skim Rumah Pertamaku (SRP) / My First Home Scheme?
A: The scheme is one of the measures recently announced by the Government in the 2011 Budget aimed at assisting young adults earning RM3,000 per month or less to own a home. The scheme allows homebuyers to obtain up to 100% financing from financial institutions, enabling them to own a home.
Cagamas SRP Berhad will guarantee the banks on financing above 90% level i.e. if a borrower obtains 100% financing, Cagamas SRP will guarantee 10% (from 90% to 100%) of the financing.
Q: With Cagamas SRP Berhad's guarantee, does it mean borrowers/customers under the Scheme are only liable to the bank for 90% financing only?
A: No, the customers are liable to the bank for the full financing amount (up to 100%). The guarantee only indemnifies the bank for any loss incurred as a result of financing above 90% level.
Q: Do I have to pay a higher profit rate or any fee to enjoy up to 100% financing under the Scheme?
A: No, the normal profit rates of the respective banks shall apply and borrowers/customers do not have to pay for the Cagamas SRP Berhad's guarantee.
How do I meet the requirements for this Maybank loan?
This Maybank home loan is designed especially for those with an income of less than RM5,000 a month. For joint borrowers, say you want to get a loan with your wife or husband, your total monthly income shouldn't exceed RM10,000, assuming both individual incomes should be no more than RM5,000 per month.
Other than that, the property that you are planning to finance must be your first home and not used for investment purposes such as renting out to other people. To fully own it, you must live in it!
Is there a lock-in period and early settlement fee?
Yes and no. If you're taking up conventional home loan, there's a lock-in period of 3 years. On the other hand, if you take up an Islamic mortgage, you won't be subjected to one . Since there's lock-in period of 3 years for a conventional mortgage, you are not advised to settle the loan early as you will be charged an early settlement fee.
A little tip for Maybank first home buyer – if you think you're able to settle the mortgage loan within 3 years, you can consider to take up Maybank Islamic My First Home Scheme. However, you will have to adhere to Syariah principles.
What is the range of financing amount?
With 100% margin of financing, you can borrow up to the whole selling price of your new home, subject to a minimum borrowing amount of RM100,000 up to a maximum of RM400,000. You won't have to save up for a downpayment, just make sure you pay your monthly instalments.
Cara Memohon Skim Rumah Pertamaku
Kalau korang rasa dah ready nak apply, berikut adalah langkah-langkah mudah:
Cabaran dan Tips Nak Dapatkan Approval
Okay, jujur cakap, walaupun skim ni nampak menarik, tak semua orang senang-senang boleh dapat approval. Ada beberapa cabaran yang korang mungkin hadapi. Tapi jangan risau, ada juga tips yang korang boleh follow:
Syarat Kelayakan Skim Rumah Pertamaku
Nak apply skim ni tak susah, tapi ada beberapa syarat yang korang kena penuhi. Berikut adalah syarat utama: